Bird Photo Gallery
- Each year The Place for Wild Birds admits about 1,000 wild bird patients from approximately 52 avian species. Our goal is to return these creatures back to nature where they belong. We keep complete records on all the birds who come to us, and sometimes this includes taking photographs of them while we treat and tend them. We don't have room here for all the photographs in our records, but we would like to share with you some of our beautiful successes. Click on each photo of bird species below to see the photos of the birds of these species in our care (BEING UPDATED).
- NOTE: The birds in these photos are all wild animals, not pets. Wildlife should only be handled by Wildlife Specialists, and even they do not do so more than is absolutely necessary. If you see hands in a photo, they are the hands of a licensed Wildlife Specialist. If you see a cage in a photo, it is part of the aviary here at The Place for Wild Birds where we keep rehabilitated birds just prior to releasing them back to the wild. You should not attempt to handle wild birds in order to photograph them or to keep wild birds as pets. Likewise, it is illegal to possess wild bird nests. The abandoned nests you will see on some of these pages were photographed for ID purposes only, and then carefully returned to nature.
6. Flicker, Yellow-Shafted
7. Flycatcher, Great Crested
8. Gallinule, Purple
9. Goldfinch, American
Alphabetical order of the birds in our care
- Bluebird, Eastern
- Cardinal, Northern
- Catbird, Gray
- Chickadee, Black-Capped
- Dove, Mourning
- Flicker, Yellow-Shafted
- Flycatcher, Great Crested
- Gallinule, Purple
- Goldfinch, American
- Hawk, Red-Tailed
- Hummingbird, Ruby-Throated
- Kestrel, American
- Kingbird, Eastern
- Kingfisher, Belted
- Merlin
- Mockingbird, Northern
- Nighthawk, Common
- Nuthatch, White-Breasted
- Oriole, Baltimore
- Owl, Barred
- Owl, Eastern Screech
- Owl, Saw-Whet
- Phoebe, Eastern
- Rail, Virginia
- Raven, Common
- Robin, American
- Sparrow, Chipping
- Sparrow, Song
- Swallow, Barn
- Swift, Chimney
- Tanager, Scarlet
- Thrasher, Brown
- Warbler, Yellow
- Warbler, Yellow-Rumped
- Waxwing, Cedar
- Whip-poor-will
- Woodcock, American
- Woodpecker, Downy
- Wren, Carolina